
October 21, 2015 | Category: Blog | Author:

Weekly round-up: Solutions Journalism Network

David Bornstein: Problems Shout, Solutions Whisper from frank on Vimeo.

SOLUTIONS JOURNALISM: This week, some old news! I just watched an excellent 2014 talk by David Bornstein about the work of his group, the Solutions Journalism Network. In this talk, given at last year’s frank gathering, he says: “If you raise awareness about problems, we now know that if you don’t also raise a sense of what you can do about it, a sense of efficacy around those problems, you actually get [people] to sit on the couch and eat ice cream and watch Breaking Bad, not roll up their sleeves and lobby Congress.” It’s a lesson that applies to other social-change storytellers. Here’s an article I wrote for the Chronicle of Philanthropy about the work of Solutions Journalism Network, and that of Images & Voices of Hope.